Photos Courtesy of Nola Schoder and University of Miami
Shark Research and Conservation Program
This summer 2023 marks our fifth year of collaboration with the Shark Research and Conservation Program (SRC) at The University of Miami Rosentiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. Originally founded by Neil Hammerschlag, Ph.D.and now directed by Catherine Macdonald, Ph.D., assistant research professor, SRC conducts conservation-relevant shark research while inspiring scientific literacy and environmental engagement in youth through hands-on field experiences.
Ruta Maya broadly supports student and faculty-led projects exploring topics such as: Eco-physiology of sharks, shark stressors, sharks in urban coastal environments, contaminants in shark tissue, studies of the immune system, reproduction patterns, and the impacts of ocean warming on shark movement and behavior.

SRC brings hundreds of people, mostly school-children, out on research boats to catch, sample, tag and study sharks every year. In 2018, Ruta Maya went on a tagging trip with SRC in South Florida to learn about the process of collecting data. We later “adopted” a Tiger shark named Ezra that we’ve had the opportunity to track through satellite technology.
The Shark Research and Conservation Program makes a special effort to serve communities that have been historically excluded from STEM opportunities, including connecting girls with women scientists through their F.I.N.S. Program (Females in The Natural Sciences). To reach beyond South Florida, SRC also uses a variety of online education tools to communicate shark science to the public. They have been frequently featured on Discovery’s Shark Week and National Geographic’s Shark Fest, contributing years of hands-on experience with sharks to the networks.
The natural world is our greatest inspiration. We’re proud to support an organization on the cutting edge of marine conservation science. To learn more about SRC’s mission visit: